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why is my hamster eating this!?

21 13:30:06

ok i got my hamster  2 hours ago on 12/28/05 and to make clean up eaiser i put tin foil on the bottom and since i just got her she's scared and hisses and squel's and i dont want her eating it cause she tearing it up, and i dont want her to eat it and get sick!!!! what do i do so shes not scared and will bite me!?

Hi Sherissa,

Well, you definitely need to remove the tin foil, as it can get stuck in her cheek pouches.  To pick her up, put a glove on your hand and gently scoop her up.  If she runs away from your hand, try simply placing your gloved hand in the cage with a piece of food on it.  When she comes over to investigate, pick her up.  Place her in a tall box (with an open top).  Or, you can place her in a shoebox (with an open top).  However, you will need someone to watch her for you while you remove the tin foil, to make sure she doesn't get out of the box.

If you want to make cage cleaning easier, first use either Aspen or Carefresh bedding.  *Never* use Pine or Cedar, as they can do serious respiratory damage to your hamster.  Aspen and Carefresh beddings are absorbent, and smell is minimized.  If you want to make cage cleaning even easier, try potty training your hamster.  Observe which corner of the cage your hamster urinates in.  Place a hamster potty filled with either hamster litter or *unscented* cat litter in the corner.  Your hamster should eventually begin using the potty, making cleanup very easy and sanitary.

After you get the cage ready, do not disturb your new hamster for about 48 hours.  She needs time to adjust to her new environment.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
