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Gerbil Sickness

21 11:59:35

My gerbil has a big, black, blistery bump on her left ear. What is it and how can I get rid of it? It has been there a while!

Hello Megan,

Hmmm, it is hard to say without having seen it. I think you need to get it examined by a vet just to ensure it isn't cancerous, or a danger to your Gerbil.

How long has it been there? Has it got worse as time has passed? If the answer is yes and it has been there a while i would definitely go the vets!

Most things that need treating on small animals tend to be easier to treat the earlier you take them to the vets!

I can't really say much more without seeing it, am i sorry!
If you go the vets let me know how it went and what the lump is!

I am sorry i couldn't help further, but i hope this helps in someway,
Thank you,