Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Can my hamster possibly have wettail?

Can my hamster possibly have wettail?

21 11:54:46

I have a female hamster named Rachael that is about 2 years and 1 month old. In the past week she has been bleeding downstairs and she is having a problem standing. She wobbles when i try to move her and she won't eat or drink. I'm very worried about her condition...could she possibly have wettail?

Hi Devan. This isnt wettail. wettail usually only occurs in very young hamsters, this sounds more like an infection or something a bit nastier involving her bladder or reproductive system. i strongly recommend getting her to a vet at your earliest convenience as she sounds like she could be in a lot of pain with it. to be honest she is a good age for a hamster and there may be little to be done apart from making her comfortable but to be on the safe side see a vet and in the mean time keep her comfortable and try to tempt her to eat with a little cooked meat or scrambled egg. good luck, Jen