Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > sic k gerbil

sic k gerbil

21 13:28:10

We have a black female gerbil that is approximately 2 1/2 years old.  Last week she swell up almost 3 times her body size.  Petsmart told us to give her some fresh strawberries and zucinni.  It appeared she had not gone to the bathroom for a few days.  The fruit worked, she went to the bathroom and looked normal again.  Now she looks small and frail with abnormal breathing.  She just looks sick.  What can we do, I am so afraid it is her time to go.  Thank you for any advice you can give me.  

Well hello! Okay just take a few deep breaths yourself and then lets brain storm. Okay in my personal opinion she needs to go to the vet for medical attention. She sounds like she has respiratory problems. Are you using aspen bedding?? That's the best wood bedding to use. Ceder and pine causes liver and lung disease in small animals. The vet could try to save your gerbil but it might also be her time to go. They only live 2-4 years and you've given her some wonderful years even if they were only two they were the two best years she's had. :) Don't be afriad or be worried you are a great pet parent.