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Hamster with a bald patch

21 11:22:09

Hi Jen,
My hamster has recently started to develop a bald patch inbetween his eyes and is gradually getting bigger, the area looks dry but there doesn't seem to be any redness or itchiness. There seems to be a lump where the patch is but it doesn't seem to bothering him at all, I'm just curious as to what is it and if it is something that would require treatment.



 Dear Charlotte,
sorry about the late response, as I told a few other people my computer wasn't showing my pending questions until today.
I think you should take your hamster to a vet. if it gets infected, well, disease spreads through small animals like hamsters very quickly. The lump you mentioned is what I am concerned about the most. It could be just an abscess, or it may be a tumor or cancer bump.
Once again, sorry about the late response:/