Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Gerbil or Hamster?

Gerbil or Hamster?

21 11:31:40

Hi. I am looking to get either a gerbil or a hamster. I read that you should only keep gerbils in pairs, but petco and other pet store employees told me I could keep a single gerbil. I kind of want a cuddly animal, but I need to be able to play with it during the day and leave it over a weekend at school. Which do you suggest is a better pick? Thanks!

Hello kelsey,
gerbils can be by themselves, but you should provide social activity for the little fella. :)
Me personally I think gerbils can be a little bit more cuddly than the big hamsters. Dwarf hamsters can't be held for very long because they are always on the go. Gerbils can be held a little bit longer but they are always on the go as well. Since you want something that you can cuddle a little longer than 5 seconds I think a gerbil would be the best animal. They can be okay as long as they have food and water over the weekend. Gerbils are also less nippy than hamsters. While I do love both aniamls and basically choose my hamster because I just had a feeling about him I think a gerbil would really benefit you.

Also, I want to point out that some hamsters can settle down and be held, but gerbils just seem more friendly.