Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > my hamster may be sick

my hamster may be sick

21 11:57:10

i just noticed this on my dwarf hamster the other day. one of her nipples had become swollen or inflamed and i don't know what to do. she doesn't act differently at all so i don't know if i should worry about this or not.  

hi aimee,

i would suggest going to the pet store and asking for any anti bacterial wipe or treatment you can put on wounds for small animals, then id apply this with a q-tip and see what happens, if her behaviour starts to change ie. not eating, drinking, and become less active see a vet.

im sorry i cant tell you what this is, but the fact she isnt showing signs of illness suggests its not something too serious at the momment, but it may develop so just keep a close eye on her.

thank you for your question, ask again if you need to and do let me know how you get on, good luck.

joanne :)