Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > My gerbil

My gerbil

21 11:04:29

Hi my name is aliyah and hy gerbils name is Bella and also I want to know that if she is going to be ok and what I mean about ok I mean that she has a pink eye and is not looking too good it looks like the pink eye is closing up on the right of her eye and I don't like the look of ger eye and I hope she is ok and she's not going to die . And also what should I do ??????????? ;  (

Hi Aliyah

Thanks for your question. It is hard to know what is wrong without seeing her but eye infections do need treating. She could have injured herself and this has infected. You should carefully bathe the area with cooled salt water as this might help. However if this is infected she will need eye medication. You might be able to get it from a pet shop otherwise you would need to see a vet. If you don't know any vets it is worth phoning a few to see if they have a small animal specialist and also establish their fees before you go - most times they offer a reduced fee for small animals.

I hope this helps
