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swollen hamster behind

21 11:36:40

Hi Heather  -I purchased my golden hamster three days ago.  I was so happy to get one that I guess I didn't take the time to fully check the little guy out.  However, the next night when I decided to take him out, it appeared that his bottom was very swollen. Tonight, as I took him out of his exercise ball, it was even worse and become more swollen and his bottom even seemed to drag on his right side.  My husband insists to take him back for a new hammie, but I just can't, I adore him!! - i also called the vet and they claim they can't give me an answer  until they see him.  I can't afford a $100 vet visit - I hope you can help! - Kelly

Rest assured, that's just your male displaying that he is indeed a male. Males have a large protruding bottom that is actually their testicles. They can vary in size from day to day, my hamsters are large enough to drag on the ground as he walks. Your hamster is perfectly normal, no need to return him (unless you prefer the look of a female, she has no protruding bottom)