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Unexpected Birth

21 11:49:28

About two weeks ago, I bought a hamster from Meijer (Oops). I bought a small cage because it's a small hamster. Yesterday I was on the phone with my friends and heard a squeak from my hamster cage. I ignored it. Then I hear another and I turned to look. My hamster was actually a girl that was put into the boy's hamster cage.

I have read a few internet articles on hamster babies, but I still have a few questions...

#1 Nutrients/treats (cheap and easy to get)
#2 Care?
#3 I have a Dwarf, so I bought a small cage. Should I buy a second and attach the two cages? If so, when is it safe to attach them?
#4 When can I look at the babies w/o the mother becoming too nervous?
#5 Is it normal for the mother to bury her babies completely in bedding/nesting tissues?
#6 Any other tips are GREATLY appreciated.

Hi Sara,

    You should start feeding her hard boiled egg and diced carrots (this will give her the extra protein she needs to help raise her babies) along with her regular hamster food.
    Mom will take care of the babies. All you need to do for now, is make sure she has plenty of food and fresh water. It is important that you do not touch the babies nor the nest. If Mom smells your scent on them, she may reject them or even eat them.
    Yes, a second cage will be needed, but I would not attach it until the babies are 2 weeks old. This is when it is safe to handle the babies for for a short period of time and the cage can be cleaned.
    If is very normal for the Mom to bury her babies completely. This helps keep the babies warm when Mom is out of the nest.
    When the babies are 19 days old, they will be weaned. You should separate them to. Generally the baby females can stay with Mom and the boys with Dad. Since you only have the female, I would suggest keeping the girls with Mom and housing the boys together in another cage. Also at this time, you can stop feeding Mom the hard boiled egg.
    When the babies are 4-5 weeks old, they will be ready to go to their new homes.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing!