Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > my gerbils genital area is bleeding!

my gerbils genital area is bleeding!

21 11:30:03

She wasn't going to the bathroom and she didn't get into any fight or anything unusual. She's had no change in diet, but she is about two weeks pregnant if that matters. Please help as you are the only one available right now who can answer gerbil questions.

Hi Cici

Gerbils and hamsters can miscarry or reabsorb the litter.  It could be that this is what the bleeding is.  However, in my view, blood always needs to be checked out.  She might have some sort of infection that has caused her to bleed.  As she is behaving normally apart from this I would be inclined to monitor her very closely over the next day or two.  If the bleeding stops and she appears fine, then this could have resolved itself.  However, if the bleeding continues, gets worse or there is pus and your gerbil starts to look dull, not wanting to get out of the nest etc. then I suggest you get her to a vet urgently as she may need antibiotics and painkillers.

Good luck with this. Hope you get on OK.
