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black mini gerbil

21 11:55:43

Hi!  Our gerbil, Cracker, has a growth coming out of his right ear.  It's kind of lumpy and sticks out about 1/8th of an inch.
It doesn't seem to bother him.  He's not scratching it and it's not bleeding and doesn't look wet.
We have no other pets, so it's not likely that he caught something from another animal.
We're going to take him into the vet if it's still there in a couple days, but I thought I'd ask if this was something that you might know about.

Hi there,

Hmmmm, it could be a few things really. It may just be a lump which will disappear on its own accord, or it may be caused by an injury he did to himself in the cage, which again may go away on its own. It could be a sign of something else though, so you are right to go to the vets who will tell you properly. It is hard for me to say any more as without having it examined it is difficult to diagnose!!! Make sure in the mean time that he is eating and drinking ok!!

Hope this helps,