Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Im Worried!!

Im Worried!!

21 11:50:14

Hi Im Kiana I have 4 hamsters. Tina,Daffofil,Daisy and Pepper. Anyway lately
Tina and Daisy have little cuts underneath their fur. I would pet them and I
would feel little bumps. They are not big but its worrying me. Tina has about 3
or 4 and Daisy has 1. Its dry blood, well thats what it looks like. I thought it
was because they are cleaning and then they bite themselves. So is it that or do
they have a dizzese? PLEASE E-MAIL ME BACK!!

Hi Kiana,

    It could be from them cleaning themselves or it could be a type of cyst (which hamsters can get from time to time). If it is a cyst (which will feel like a little bump at first), they will generally break open, scab over and then go away.
    If the spots would happen to get infection (redness around the area, swelling and/or drainage), you can apply a small amount of an antibiotic ointment, like neosporin, to the areas once a day. If this does not help or the areas get worse, then they should be seen by a vet.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing!