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Excited Hamster!

21 11:51:22

I just got a teddy bear hamster and have had her for a week. She doesnt like held yet but she has been getting really excited when your hand is near the cage and she can smell it, she rubs her body along the side of the cage and kind of rubs her butt on the side. Is she just leaving her scent or something??  

Hi Katie,

Yep, you're right, she's leaving her scent.  When she smells your hand, she wants to eliminate your scent from her cage.  So that's why she rubs up against the cage.  Right now, you're still pretty scary to her, since she's new.  Once she gets used to you, she won't feel the need to eliminate your scent any more.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
