Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > siberian or roborovski?

siberian or roborovski?

21 11:14:42

hi sheila!
i just wanted to know if its easier to tame a siberian dwarf hamster or a roborovski? im planning on taking care either one..

Hi Audrey

Roborovski hamsters are incredibly fast and for some people they can be difficult to handle.  The Siberian dwarf hamsters are a bit slower, but if you opt for this variety I strongly advise that you get Winter Whites rather than Campbells.  They do look similar, and some pet shops have  problems differentiating between them, however, Campbells have been known to have personality changes when they reach adulthood.  Winter Whites are generally more placid and less temperamental.  If you are getting either winter whites or roborovski, it is a good idea to get more than one - check they are the same sex though.  Providing they are related and have never been apart they should be OK together, but there is always the danger that they will fight (one will always want to be the dominant one) and if the fighting or bullying starts to get serious, then they would need a cage on their own so you might end up having to double up on cages etc.  However, if they do get along OK, then it is nice to keep them together as in the wild they would live in colonies.

I hope you find some hamsters that you like.
