Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > suddenly lethargic

suddenly lethargic

21 12:00:30

this is our fourth hamster in 6 weeks. they are all fine for about 10 days running wildly in the cage/tunnels and wheel. then suddenly they are slow moving curled up with eyes almost shut. then they start to shrink and die in a matter of hours.they become cold and shaky as they walk.
We have sterilized the cases and all attachments with bleach and rinsed completly between hamsters.

hi colin,

it sounds like your hamsters are catching colds.

if you have been cleaning them out as you say you have then its probably either, the room temperature is very cold or you have had a cold, and by handling them and their cages have passed it on.

also bleach is not a good choice of cleaningfluid, this could also be the problem, eg. being poisoned by the remaining fumes. if you decide to get another hamster use the special anti bacterial small animal cage sterilizer.

another problem could be the bedding, is it the fluffy bedding your using? if so get rid of that stuff immediately and get the in the paper shredding. the fluff bedding is no safe and many hamsters have died because the fibres getwrapped around their digestive system.

if you are considering trying out another hamster, go to a different pet store, the ones from the store u got the other from could be sick already, and the symptoms are appearing when you take them home. id also suggest getting a brand new cage, i know it seems a waste of money but so is buying hamster after hamster.

thank you for your question and please ask again if you need to. and let me know how you got on.

joanne :)