Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > is my hampsters eye ok?

is my hampsters eye ok?

21 11:12:40

My hampsters eye exspanded one,he scrached it in pain,it happened again but thats all,i went to the pet shop and thay told me to put wipes on it,its not happend again yet,did i sqeeze him too hard or somthing?Im just concerened,any help

Hi Leo

Hamsters eyes stick out a lot and they are quite easy to injure.  Also, if you scruff a hamster too roughly this can injure their eyes.  What is his eye looking like now?  Is it swollen, is there any blood or pus?  Does he seem bothered by it?  If so then it would be a good idea to get a vet to examine him.  He could have injured himself and this has caused some sort of eye infection that will need treating with antibiotics.

You can try bathing his eye with cooled salt water (make sure it is room temperature and not too hot or too cold) as this may help, but with eye problems sometimes it is better to get a vet to have a look.
