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which Cage?

21 11:24:25

Hi, well i now have a small, wire cage, with a whisper wheel, small house, fod
dish, and 2 balls for my 2 robo dwarf hamsters:)

they've had the cage 2 months, and i think it time to expand!

Im wondering, you have any suggestions on a cage to get?

thank you

Hi Grant,

i am so glad you are getting your Robos a new cage!  Wire cages are the worst cages to have for Roborovskis!

The best thing to get them now would be a large glass tank - the biggest you can afford really!  Roborovskis are the smallest species of hamster, but they need the biggest cages because they are so fast and love to run around - especially when you have more than one living together!!

A three foot, rectangular fish tank is the best one to get - with just one level.  Roborovskis can get territorial over different levels!

Make sure you have two of everything in the cage - two water containers, two wheels, two houses, two of eveything and make sure there are plenty of toys, tunnels, boxes etc. for them to explore and to keep them happy and healthy!

It is always best not to use food dishes - just scatter plenty of food all over the tank.

Kind Regards,
