Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Hamster is bleeding from anus and is very larthargic

Hamster is bleeding from anus and is very larthargic

21 13:31:57

Yesterday my hamster's behaivor changed completely. She is very sleepy, has no balance, and seems to be bleeding from her rectum. And now her bottom is very swollen and seems like she can not or is having trouble going to the bathroom. She also seems to have labored breathing. She is nearly bald on her hind quarters though she has been like this for some time. She is aprox. 2-2 1/2 yrs old and up until this time she has seemed healthy and happy til now. Pleased respond soon. Thank You  

Hey, Diana.

Sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner, and I'm sorry to hear about your hamster.  It sounds like she's having some intestinal problems...  This could be an intestinal infection, which can be treated by antibiotics, or it could be something not as serious like constipation.  Either way, you should take her to the vet as soon as possible to see what he can do.  Only other thing you can do besides that would be to make sure she is drinking water so she doesn't dehydrate.

Hope that helps and good luck with your hamster.  Best wishes to both of you.