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Hamster (dont remember)

21 11:57:08

Our pet hamster recently got out of his cage and was lost in house for three days and finally came out while in the bathroom.  He seems lethargic and his hair is still greasy even after we gave him a bath and looks a little sick.  We dont have rat poison or anything of that nature in the house.  But want to know what to do if he might have eaten something that made him sick?

Hi Aileen,

I'm glad your hamster was found!  But, there are dangers all over the house for a hamster.  He could have gotten into a number of things.  His fur is likely greasy because he doesn't have the energy to clean himself.  (In the future, hamsters should never be given baths; the water strips their fur of essential oils, leaving them at risk for illness.)  The lethargy is rather serious; anytime a hamster is lethargic, there is reason for worry.  I would advise that you take the hamster to a vet as soon as possible.  In the meantime, give him plenty of extra bedding for warmth, and give him fresh food and water (which you've probably already done, considering the poor little thing hasn't had any for a few days).

I hope the little guy will be okay!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
