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What Hamsters Eat

21 13:28:17

I have a black bear hamster named Chessy. My friend came over, who owns a dwarf hamster, and she said it was ok to give the hamster salt, and that it is good for them. I sprinkled some salt on chopped up carrots and pretzels. Is that ok for hamsters to eat? I just got my hamster, so I don't know everything about them.

Hi Allison,

Salt is fine for hamsters to eat, as long as it is in moderation.  Sprinkling salt on vegetables occasionally is okay - just sprinkle a small amount.  However, pretzels shouldn't be fed to hamsters.  Here's a link to a list of safe fruits and vegetables for the hamster to eat:

An easier way to give your hamster salt - and help to file down his teeth - is to buy a salt wheel.  I usually buy mine from Walmart for $1.37, and they come with clips so that you can attach them to the wire part of a cage.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
