Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > hamster contantly sneezing and little bald patch on his head

hamster contantly sneezing and little bald patch on his head

21 11:28:51

have you any ideas why for the last two weeks my hamster at 3months old would have started sneezing contantly and now a little bald patch has appeared on his right cheek.he is on antibiotics in case of infection and has been for 4days now.ive changed bedding from woodshavings to tissue .he seems fine in his self and no runny eyes or nose .it looks like it bugs him and dont no what else to try.

Hello Emma,
what type of woodshavings were you using before? Were they cedar or pine because those can cause the reaction that you are seeing now and in many rare instances any type of woodshavings can cause the reaction as well. That's the reason I switched from woodshavings to Carefresh bedding. Soft Sorbent bedding is great too and I know Kaytee has a bedding that is very similiar to Carefresh. It sounds like that it is a good idea that she got antibiotics to fight any type of respiratory infection because woodshavings have a tendancy to cause respiratory infections as well.