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Is my hamster just old???

21 11:35:43

Hi Sheila,

I'm twelve years old, and I LOVE my hamster Bello, who I believe is a long haired teddy bear. I've had him for a year, and when I adopted him, he was already eight months old.

He is very lethargic, not eating or drinking much, and his eyes were like sealed shut with mucus/bacteria stuff earlier today, and I finally got them opened up. My main question is: is Bello just getting older, or is he actually sick? He doesn't have diarrhea, and his cage is always clean with fresh food and water. He's almost two years old, so I'm guessing it's just his age????-- But I have no clue?

Thanks for any help!!!
Kirbie :)

Hi Kirbie

When hamsters get to around this age they can show signs of old age - some more than others.

Regarding his eyes - this is called 'sticky eyes'.  Get some warm water and gently wash the area - after a few seconds gently try to open his eyes.  It is important that their eyes are opened daily otherwise pus can collect behind the lids and cause a lot of problems.

What are his teeth like?  Are they even or is one of the bottom teeth longer than the other?  Sometimes hamsters break teeth or they can fall out and the bottom tooth grows so long it affects their ability to eat.  If they are different lengths then the longer tooth will need cutting (has to be done with good quality nail clippers (looks like pliers) - if in doubt get a vet to show you how - you must be careful you don't catch their tongue in the clippers).

What is his fur looking like?  When they reach this age their fur often thins out a bit too.

There could be a number of things going on inside him, but unless there is a definite symptom, then I would think this is just him feeling his age.

If you can, get a packet of human baby food (creamy porridge oats, rice etc) - powdered variety - mix a little with water and give this to him daily for the next week.  After that you can give him this once or twice a week.  You don't want to give it all the time as his teeth will overgrow as hamsters need to grind them down on hard food and they get very lazy if you give them soft food all the time.  This food has lots of nutrients and in my experience really helps elderly, sick or nursing mum and babies.

Hamsters tend not to drink much anyway.  Especially if you are giving fresh vegetables - they get some moisture from these.  You really have to worry if they start drinking a lot as this can indicate a tumor or kidney failure.

Hope you get on OK.
