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Is it okay...

21 12:00:41

I was wondering..

I know hamster sleep during the day and play at night. My husband wakes up for work at 5 a.m. and tells me our little hamster plays in the cage and makes noises. I am aware that Russian Dwarfs are vocal so we find it cute. However, I sit at home and I get bored easily so I tend to pick her up a lot and play. How do I know if she is getting annoyed or not? Before I pick her up, I always talk to her so I dont startle her and she begins to wake her up so thats when i make my move to take her out. So my question remains, is she annoyed and am i picking her up to much.. maybe i should let her sleep? HELP!

you know certainly know when a hamster is annoyed because they will need to run away from you and act aggressive. When I wake mine up and he doesn't want to be waken up, he nips my fingers to let me know that I should leave him alone. If you constantly disturb her sleep like several times a day or everyday then they can get really annoyed with you. If you do it say every other day or so they tend to be fine with it. Generally Choobles, my hamster, expects me to have a treat for him if I wake him up.