Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > answer quik

answer quik

21 13:26:54

during the hot weather, my hamster has been acting strangly.  as far as i no he is eating and drinking but when i walk in the room to go and see him, i see him laying almost like asleep in his plastic running tubes and get very scared, sometimes he is in his bed a s normal but then recently i have seen him lying behind his bed asleep, Is HE OK? AND RECENTLY HE HAS BEEN POEIN ON ME AND HE NEVER USUALLY DOES PLEASE ANSWER I AM WORRIED.

Hi Charlotte,

Hamsters aren't hot-weather creatures.  Like humans, they prefer comfortable temperatures (around 75 degrees F).  Try to keep your hamster's cage, and the room he is in, at a comfortable temperature.  If you can't adjust the air conditioner to around 75 degrees, try placing a fan in the room.  Don't place it too close to the hamster's cage, though, and don't aim it towards the cage.  Just let it circulate air throughout the room.  Also, make sure the hamster's cage has plenty of ventilation.  If he is in an all-plastic cage, drill several small holes in the top of it, to promote air circulation.  If he is in an aquarium, use a well-ventilated lid.  In addition, don't forget to change your hamster's water every day.  When it's hot, hamsters, like humans, need to drink plenty of water.

If you notice signs of illness, such as a runny nose, listlessness, or loss of weight, then you should take your hamster to the vet.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
