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is my gerbil pregnant?

21 11:59:40

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thanx for all your help it's much appreciated I just have one more question the cow and gate sunshine stuff where can I find that? I'm guessing it's animal baby food right?  thanks again
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hello again I did not take her to the vet since the lady at the pet store told me that all their going to give her is a shot of the antibiotic and that i would be better off just doing it my self.  So I bought the stuff called Ornacyn-Plus  It says it is for respiratory diseases for bird  so the first day I gave it to her the following day she got the diarrhea but it's been about 3 days now and it has stopped but her clicking is still there, and you can still see her breathing fast.  She told me to mix half a tablet with the least water possible and give it to her.  I've been doing that but I cut down on the dose.  you think I should give her a week she's not eating much at all I've been giving her regular gerbil food like sedds and such.   Thank you for the reply
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Hi again, I found out my gerbil has a respetory infection I don't think she is pregnant she has that clicking sound.  The pet shop told me to give her some antibiotics that is used on birds,  I started to give it to her yesterday.  Do you know if this is going to work?  How long does it usually take,  She has diarrhea and some kind of discharge now through her privates is this because of the medicine because I've had to force it with a surange because she wont drink the water.  tanks for responding
I came home this morning and saw that my gerbil was breathing really fast.  I have her in the cage with a male but I cant exactly tell if she's pregnant she  was allways a bigger gerbil she is a little bigger, but it's starting to worry me.  She also had a bit if dry blood around her right eye I wold wipe it off and it would come back, she's not as active as she used to be is my gerbil pregnant or sick?  please help, thank you
Hi Nelly,

If she is in with a male the chances are she could be, although you shouldn't really be able to tell. There should be no difference in her behavior, and she shouldn't be breathing hard. That would suggest there are either complications or something else is the matter, either of which i would recommend you get a vet to see!

The 'blood' round her eye probably isn't blood, they have reddish 'tears' which stain the eye and look very much like blood. However, it could suggest that your gerbil is under the weather and needs to be seen by a vet.

I hope this helps you,and get her checked by a vet if you can!
Ask again if you need,
Hello again,

OK, did the vet tell you a particular dose? Are you following a specific dose? It could be possible this is causing diarreaha, although you will need to keep an eye on this, because lack of fluid through diarreaha can be very harmful even fatal! If you are feeding any greens at all, stop until the diarreaha has totally cleared up!
If the diarreaha hasn't gone within a day or so i would call the vets, or pop in again just to be safe!

The treatment, normally ornicure or ornacyline (for birds) are both very effective, and will almost certainly clear away the infection. Treatment should normally last between 7-10 days to ensure the bacteria has totally gone, and won't reappear. It is important this course is finished to enusre your gerbil has completly recovered!

I hope this helps you, and i hope your gerbil recovers soon!

If you are worried about your gerbil not eating offer some baby food. Cow  


You are very welcome!

Actually the baby food is a human baby food, but works very well with rodents. I have always fed my pregnantor sick gerbils this, and they really seem to like it, plus it is good for them in these situations!!!
This baby food is available in most shops with a baby section, tescos do it, i am sure all the supermarkets will do it!

The link below gives a rough idea of what the packaging looks like, although it may not be identical to this!!

Hope this helps you,
Thanks again,