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feeding hamster insects

21 13:29:17

hello what insects can u feed a hamster and do u give it to them live or dead  

Hi John,

Crickets and mealworms are two safe choices.  It's up to you whether you give the insects to your hamster live or dead.  If you give an insect to your hamster that is alive, the hamster gets the opportunity to "hunt" for it, like it would in the wild.  It's also fun for the owner to watch the hamster catch the insect.  Just make sure that your hamster sees the insect while you're putting it in the cage.  Hamsters don't really care for surprises.  Also, place only one insect in the cage.  And remember, moderation is key.  You can feed an insect to your hamster maybe once every 1 or 2 weeks.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
