Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Toilet....bed?


21 11:59:56

Oh man, I tried doing what you say but now she's sleeping in the litter without the little house. -_-; And now she's digging in the litter rendering the "clumping effect" rather useless... go figure. She's a good girl and I've managed to tame her in less than a week, she doesn't bite and the rest of her manners are very good... except she seems to still like sleeping in her poo and urine.

While I'm asking a question, what is the best way to get her used to people other than me in the room. She's very good around me but when a friend of mine comes in she will be kind of skiddish and not excercise until they leave.

Anything to make this easier on her?

Hi Danielle,

Hmmm...I'm afraid I'm out of suggestions.  Maybe she'll finally get the idea after a while?  Keep putting her droppings and soiled bedding in the new litter for a few more days to see if she'll eventually understand.  And, fill the toilet with bedding, and maybe some plain, unscented toilet paper to encourage her to sleep in there instead of on the litter.

The best way for her to get used to other people is the same way she got used to you - by them handling her frequently and letting her get used to their smells.  Of course, they'll need to be patient.  And, hamsters don't like loud sounds, so make sure that other people aren't being loud around her.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
