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21 11:52:16

hello im a first time owner but i just want u to tell me main facts about hamsters and what i  need to know?

Well it depends on the hamster. I'm guessing you have a big syrian and not a tiny dwarf. The cage must have aspen bedding, because it doesn't have aeromatic oils in it that can cause respritory problems. They sell cedar and pine, but buy aspen. Clean out the bedding at least once a week. Don't ever wake a sleeping hamster, as it will bite when startled. Feed your hamster a dried food that has seeds and crunchies in it, most bagged hamster foods fit the bill. Only feed fresh foods like veggies 3x a week, and never over do it. Provide a wheel for your hamster to run on. Hamsters like a place to hide and sleep, so get it something where it can hide. That's the bare bones of hamster care.