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My teddy bear hamster.

21 11:52:16

You did'nt answer one of my questions maybe you missed it: I want to get another hamster but do i have to get a whole other cage or can i disenfect it somehow that wont hurt the hamster?
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OK , so a few months ago i bough my first ever hamster ( it was a teddy bear if that helps) and when i picked her out she was climbing around and running on the wheel so i thought she was healthy. about a month later she learned how to open her cage and she jumped out and she was fine for a few days. a few days later i woke up and checked on her and she was cold and crawled up in a little ball and wouldn't move. i know it wasn't too cold for her cause it was pretty warm in the room she was in and she was fine the night before. then she tried to walk but she couldn't move her back legs which makes me think she broke them from the fall but she was fine right after she jumped out of her cage. do you think she was sick or just broke her legs.

p.s. she did end up dieing that day.
it sounds like she may have had a stroke and died. a lot of times when animals have strokes they can lost feeling in their back legs and possibly die if it's serious enough. I am so sorry that your hamster died, it was not fault and there was nothing that you could do to help her.

sorry I didn't receie that question. If you are going to get another hamster yes disenfect the cage with soap and water and I would a small capful of bleach and soak the whole cage in a capful of bleach. Then make sure you rinse the cage very well. Then I'd put the cage outside in the sun to die and kill any bacteria or germs. You want to make sure that you don't smell any bleach on the cage. If you still smell bleach you need to wash it again. If you don't want to use bleach then use antibacterial soap and water and just place the cage in the sun to dry.