Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Hampster has something wrong... I think...

Hampster has something wrong... I think...

21 13:25:27



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Question -
Hi, I have a friend who is on vacation right now, so I'm babysitting her female pet hamster for a week. I've had her for two days now, and she now has these two furless ball like thingys under her tail, near her butt. Is she pregnant? Does she have wet tail? Please help! (I don't know much about hamsters...)

Answer -
Are you sure it's a female because that sounds like HIS testicles. Yes they are big, I know they look like tumors. Your hamster is just fine, he's just maturing. :-)

Yeah, hi again! Now my female/male hamster's furless thingys are going
away, (by the way, they started coming after my cat saw her/him in
her/his cage) and now she/he is very active and hyper, hogs her/his food,
and is ALWAYS choosing to sleep under her/his waterbottle thigy! (she/he
has been gathering woodchips from all over her cage and piling it up
under the waterbottle thingy, too!)Aren't those signs of pregnancy? Thank
you for your help!"

That was weird about the furless things going away, you know everything you say is normal hamster behavior actually. My male hamster does it all the time. You will really notice if the hammy is pregnant if she starts getting really round in her belly. That's the best way to tell.