Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > My gerbil is awful looking

My gerbil is awful looking

21 11:11:30

I have had my gerbil for about a week now and I have seen no sign of her usinig the restroom. Now she is barely able to walk and is very sensitive to the touch. what do i do?

Hi Kari

Sorry to hear about your gerbil.

Gerbils tend not to pee that much anyway and are generally very clean - however she should be going to the toilet.  Have you seen any sign of faeces?

Gerbils can be quite difficult to handle initially and can be very jumpy so I'm not sure if she is just very nervous with you or not.  However the fact that she can't walk properly is a real concern to me.  She really needs to see a vet as quickly as possible.  Do you have a local vet that you can take her to?  If not, I would suggest you get back to the shop where you got her from.  They may be able to examine her and tell you what is wrong.  

If she is seriously constipated this can make them very ill and look poorly and it could be this in which case this needs treating urgently (the medication is two drops of either liquid paraffin or lactulose given four times a day.  Also natural laxatives such as lettuce or dandelion leaves or a pinch of Epsom salts can be added to the drinking water - if you mix a water bottle full and then give some of this through a dropper.)  However, her symptoms sound serious and for that reason I feel that a vet should be consulted.

I hope you get on OK.
