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Pregnanat hamster

21 13:31:05

Ok My hamsters "did it" around 13 or 14 days ago, and I'm pretty sure she is pregnant, but is there a way to tell for sure?

Hi April,

It's difficult to tell if a hamster is pregnant until 2 or 3 days before she gives birth.  However, there are some small clues.  The most obvious sign is weight gain.  Also, if your hamster begins making a large next in a corner of her cage, this could mean she is pregnant.  In addition, her nipples will be more prominent.  If you suspect she is pregnant, feed her high protein foods such as scrambled or boiled egg, wheatgerm, cheese, and tofu, in addition to her normal hamster mix.  Handling her can continue until a few days before the pregnancy when this is best kept to a minimum. It is also a good idea to remove the wheel a few days before the birth and while the mother is nursing the babies. The cage should be cleaned out two days before the expected litter is due and the female should be given plenty of suitable bedding. The female should be disturbed as little as possible around the time of the expected birth.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
