Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > my hammies testicles are gone!!!!

my hammies testicles are gone!!!!

21 11:34:15

hey, ive gt a hamster, boi, who is 2yrs 2 mths old. i just noiced that his testicles are missing!!! tis is insane!!! so far, i have not encounterd tis problem wit other hamstrs that i have had b4.... there is another thing too... there are two of wat i believe are growths on my boi's stomach... do u tink its possible tat his testicles may have moved up???!! i noe tis sounds crazy but is it possible??? cos his butt is like a girl hamster now... and i cnt find another reason for that sudden loss... so  sry if the leta is too long,... he eats and drinks well and is very active...he also loses balance wen he walks or tries to sit down due to the disappearance of his testicles... pls help!!!


I've not heard of this before!  Hamster's testicles can appear very large during the warmer months, whereas during the rest of the time they can almost be unnoticeable.

However, due to his age - this is a time when tumors are quite common.  I'm wondering if the has a tumor - hence the lump you're feeling in his abdomen.  This might be what is stopping him walking properly in that it is putting pressure on his back/legs etc.  The appearance of this could be why his testicles seem to have vanished - they are still there but the tumor is so great that it is changing his body shape.

I think you need to get him to a vet as soon as possible for him to examine him in case he is in pain.
