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Swollen bottom on Syrian Hampster

21 13:29:03

We've had our hampster Bill for about 4 weeks now.  We purchased him from Petsmart.  His bottom seems really swollen.  He has 2 bumps on what I assume are his testicles.  They make his bottom hang really low.  He's been eating well and is still friendly, and has many bowel movements, so I don't think he's constipated.  This is the first time we've had a hampster so I don't know much.  Any advise?


         Well this could be many things so I have to ask some general questions. Is your hamsters bowl movements loose, or look like diarea? Does the bottom of your hamster seem wet or look wet, if he has these syptoms he could have a diease known as wet tail and should be giving the wet tail treatment, you could most likely find where you bought him. Is your hamster young, if he is this could be just a stage in the hamster life when his testicles will drop because of hormones.

Thanks for writing, hope this helped