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my bonkers hamster

21 11:24:27

My hamster is bonkers...I got him for Christmas and he was about 3 months old then I think.  Every night he puts all his food in his wheel and then runs - as you can imagine that's one hell of a racket he makes.  He also seems to wee in his ball all the time - even with his food in there. My mum cleans his cage out (rotastack) and there are no damp areas anywhere except his wheel. He poos in his wheel, ball, when he's loose in his play pen and in his bedding but never anywhere else in the cage - only his bedding. Lastly, yesterday he moved ALL the woodshavings from the bottom of the large compartment over to a smaller one that he never uses.  He is still sleeping in the large compartment without the woodshavings.  Do you think he is too hot and that's why he has moved it.

Aileen -
It sounds like your hamster is exhibiting the basic tendencies of any hamster. I had a hamster that ran with food in his wheel as well - terrible noise!

The only thing I can suggest is possibly switching him to a wire cage as  opposed to the rotastack. There are less places for them to chew, horde food, and urinate in a wire cage, while still giving them enough room to move around. They are also better ventilated.

Good Luck,