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Hamster delivered babies.

21 11:54:37

Hi. uhm.. im new because this is the first time i had hamsters. im pretty sure that i have dwarf hamsters i have one male and a female and ive had them for over i think two months now and i get to see them once in awhile because i live with my mom and my dad has them in his apt. well yesterday i was clening there food bowl and my female hamster called jam came out from the bedding. at first i thought she was hungry but both of the hamsters were waiting for food as i saw the bedding moving. i got freaked out but i realized it was her litter! So i wasnt there to help deliver but as my dad told me she delivered them on her wheel (the cage i have the wheel is on the top,, kinda like a second floor) and jam had brought them down one by one to the bedding. jam i think is a dwarf Agouti  i think because i was searching this morning for the breeds and the male is a Agouti Spot. theres alot of websites that say to seperate the male from female but they havent fought! i dont know if its safe to leave the male? i know im not supposed to touch the babies, i havent but i dont know if Jam is a bit to fat to be on top of them.? because when she goes on top theres tiny squeakes and when she digs in the bedding the squeuks get all loud. im not sure what to do. i need some advice..
oh and is it safe to give cheese to the mom??

hehe well thanks!! hopefully i get some answers.

Dear Jennifer,

It is fine to leave the mom with the babies until they can get food on their own. If the father fights with any of the babies, or the mother remove him. eventually you will have to separate the males from the females, unless you want more and more and more babies. The basic rule of thumb is, if their not fighting, and you don't mind the babies it's okay to house them together. Cheese is an okay treat, but only once in a while.
Hope this helps!
Good luck with the babies!