Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > My Gerbils are Lost!

My Gerbils are Lost!

21 11:04:27

QUESTION: So my name is Maddy - no need to know. Anyways, I have have 2 little baby gerbils for a week or two now and they have been lost once, the first time was under a stuffed animal, the second time ( which is now ) Is freaking me out! Number one, my cat who almost NEVER by the way hunts, let alone hunt my other pets - had her head in the cage, the cage was upside down and off the desk they were on. Poor little guys, I can't find them. I just realized they were lost this morning and well they are no where to be seen! Thanks, I appreciate it! ( P.S. I sent this to another expert but she was unable to answer )

ANSWER: Hi Maddy

Apologies for the delay in responding - I thought I'd sent an answer but it doesn't appear to gave gone anywhere.

Are your gerbils still missing?  If they are tiny you can try catching them in humane mouse catchers that don't harm them but your gerbils might be too large for this. The good thing with gerbils is that if they get scared they tend to bang their feet which gives their location away. The big problem  is that they chew so look for any tell tale sign.  All I can say really is not to give up on them. I have known hamsters and gerbils to turn up some time after they have escaped - obviously you need to get to them before your cat does.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks, and no they are still missing :) I found a hole in the wall that was not there I said they got lost a while ago and they may be dead so I am scared to look. But I will have too :) Also - around my area it is hard to get a live/humane trap so is there anything else I could try to trap them in?

Hi Maddy

Any sign of your gerbils yet?  

The problem with gerbils is that they can burrow and chew through things easily - this means that they can hide easily, but they can also give themselves away too.  Look for any tell-tale signs such as chewed cables/furniture.  Also, when gerbils are scared they usually bang their feet, so if you sit quietly sometimes you can hear them.

I do hope that they have turned up before your cat has found them.  Please don't give up on them - these little creatures often turn up ages after going missing.
