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Hamster Death and Head Tilt?

21 11:07:32

Hello, my hamster had died just at the beginning of last month. He was just a tiny bit past two years old and is a dwarf hamster. Throughout his life it seemed to go healthily and nicley, until a few days before his death I realized he seemed less active when I took him out and settled him in a bucket for a bath. The day just before I realized his death I figured his head was slightly tilted to one side. On one ear there was this black little thing just inside his ear, like my other hamster, but my other hamster does not have the same other problems. The day before, he looked most uncomfortable, it was a total shock to find about his death. Would you know of what may have caused his death?

Thank you :)

Hi Lin

I'm really sorry to hear about your hamster. Unfortunately hamsters are incredibly prone to getting tumors later in life and usually around the age of 18 months - 2 years they start showing signs of old age.  Some will go onto live for another 6 - 12 months, but sadly a lot only survive to about 2.

It is hard to know for sure why your hamster died.  Head tilts are often related to inner ear problems which upsets the balance of the hamster.  However there is always a possibility that he had a brain tumor or similar that caused this to happen.  I had a gerbil who had a brain tumor and his head enlarged and he tilted it.  Sadly in cases like this there is nothing that can be done other than to make sure the animal isn't in any pain.  The fact that you only really noticed a problem shortly before he died makes me feel that he didn't suffer at all and that this was a quick death for him, which is always good to know.

Even if you had got him to a vet they probably wouldn't have been able to do anything and would have suggested euthanasia.

Regarding your other hamster, just because this hamster had this problem doesn't necessarily mean that your other hamster will too.  Whilst some conditions are hereditary, I think that tumors are pretty much luck of the draw.  The main thing is to keep a watch on him and if he starts displaying any behaviour that is not normal for him, get him checked out.

I'm sorry I cannot give you a definite answer as to why your hamster died, but I hope this helps you.
