Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > NEED HELP ASAP!!!


21 13:33:29

i was at my friends house and we let our hamsters play together..but then they got in a fight and now my hamster's front paw is bleeding kind of still. Will she be ok?

Firstly,syrian hamsters are not very social animals i'm afraid, they should only be put together, for mating purposes, or in expert cases, if they have grown up together and never been apart.
  You should make sure the hamsters cage is very clean, so the cut does not get infected,usually the hamster will take care of itself, they are good at that, but if you think the cut is deep, or already infected, you should really take it to the vet.
  I'm sorry i can't be much more help, bathing it with mild saltwater is an idea, although only if its really bad, because too much salt is not good for hamsters, and i don't want you to risk the hammy's life for what could be fixed at the vet! but she should be fine, so unless it looks dodgy, don't worry too much.
  love suzi x