Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > how do u know if ur hamster is pregnant

how do u know if ur hamster is pregnant

21 11:37:10

hi there i have just got a hamster and dont know the sex of it i have another hamster in a different cage and they dont look a like the one i just got has a long tail and a streghted belly and a bit puffy my other hamster has a small belly and a wee tail could it be pregnant thanks stephanie

Hi Stephanie,

Signs that your hamster is pregnant include the following:

1. The hamster will make a large nest and hoard food in it.
2. She will have a larger belly and more prominent nipples around day 10 of the pregnancy.
3. She will stop coming into heat.  Normally, a female hamster comes into heat every 4 days.  A pregnant hamster will not come into heat at all.

(A Syrian hamster (aka "Teddy Bear," "Golden," or "Black Bear" hamster) gives birth after 16 days.)

Have a great day!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
