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help my dwarf hamster

21 11:57:00

Please help me if you can, my dwarf hamster has all the right food, water, home, and room temp, she has the perfect set up. We clean her home every week and everything, but anyway she seems to not be doing so well. My dwarf hamster seems to be walking with her but in the air quite high and putting alot of her walking pressure on her front two legs, do you know what could be wrong, what i can do, or were i can bring her, thank you very much for lisening hope to hear back from you soon

Dear Doug,
thank you for your question.
Please see a vet with your hamster to find out what's wrong. I have no medical training and I cannot give any advice on this.
Cleaning her home every week is a bit too much, it stresses her out. Clean the toilet corner every few days, but leave the rest of the cage and especially her house alone, usually it's enough if you clean that every three weeks or so. Leave some of the old bedding when you clean so that she will still recognize her scent when she returns to the cage.
I'm sorry that I cannot help you