Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > illnessess


21 13:30:34

My friend has two gerbils. One of them is named Herminey. Herminey is looking pretty sick.We dont know what to do. She wont stop trying to sleep and she is so slugish she really dosent move and she just sits there like she is dead but she is breathing normal. Her normal diet is still perfect she has her food right next to her and her water is near. And the other gerbil is a girl. The girbils do not ever fight.And she is not injured in any way. p.s she chews slow and still drinks normal.
What to do?

Dear Katie,
thank you for your question.
It might be just old age, but I cannot say anything for sure. I do recommend seeing a vet knowledgeable about rodents with the gerbils in case it's something that can be treated. If you are not sure where to find such a vet, call a few vets in your area and ask them to recommend a rodent vet. You might find one at this website, too:
I hope I was of some help to you