Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Hamster Noises/Behaviour

Hamster Noises/Behaviour

21 11:37:09

Hi Katie!
I have a 3 month old male teddy bear hamster. I'm curious as to why he grinds his teeth when I hold him. I noticed he doesn't do it when alone, in his cage. What does it mean?
(If it makes any difference, he does have a thing on his cage he chews on to keep his teeth "filed".)
And also, how can I tell if my hamster likes me? I play with him and hold him on a daily basis. Is there more I can do to make him happy?

This noise usually means that the hamster is irritated. This is more common amoung young hamsters because they are so hyper and full of energy, and don't like to be bothered. Its alright though, just keep holding and talking to him and he'll grow to love you.

Thanks for writing.