Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > strange secretion!?

strange secretion!?

21 13:30:02

Hi Hamster Friends,
We got Nibbles at Xmas time at about 10 weeks old and have been very slowly trying to tame it (don't know sex yet), not made easy by the presence of a boisterous toddler. I'm sure we'll be in touch with many questions but first can you answer this - twice now Nibbles has secreted something whilst exercising, once in the wheel and once in the ball. The stuff is creamy white in colour and dried to brown. Could this be diarrhoea or perhaps some territory marking substance? It doesn't look or smell like pee. Nibbles seems otherwise fit and well. Also is it possible to train him/her to wake earlier in the day as Nibbles comes out so late at night that we're missing all the fun?
Kind regards
Emma (Mum) and Connor (8)
PS I don't mind this question going on the message board but couldn't find how to unclick "no".

Hi there,

The milky white substance is most likely urine.  When hamsters urinate, it is slightly thick and milky-white.  Or, if you have a female hamster around, he is secreting his scent for her.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
