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My hamster is sick - Help

21 11:37:14

Hi. Today I found something different about my hamster.  There was something big red/pinkish sort of a sack hanging out of his mouth.  Not sure what this is.  It looked like a swollen gland. He was fighting to put it back in his mouth. He's a young hamster.  He's still eating and drinking and pooping.  He seems normal except for this.  Please can you help me!!!

Hi Joshua

It sounds to me that there is a problem with your hamster's cheek pouch.  Sometimes they get clogged up if they put 'sweets' such as hamster chocolate or yoghurt drops in them as these are just fat and it can melt.  Have you fed him anything like this?    They can also injure their cheek pouches if they try to cram too much in them which can scratch the inner lining - this can infect and you might see/smell some pus coming from the area.  Is there any sign of food coming out of his cheek?  Have a look to see if he has any pus or if there is any smell.  Have you seen him emptying his pouch?  If he has some sort of blockage or infection in his cheek pouch, then he will need to see a vet - they will rinse out the area and give him  antibiotics to kill any infection.  Alternatively, they can sometimes get abscesses or tumors - which again, need investigating by your vet.

Hope you get on OK with this.