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how to train my hmaster and what do i do if it is sick like sneezing

21 13:25:11

hi my name is reshma i am 14 years old. i got a hamster, its been 2 weeks since i had her. her name is cuddles she is brown and whit i don't know what breed she is or her age cause i awas not told by the pet shop people.
i have only had her for 2 weeks and she has got a cold already, he got it from my sister and i cause we both had a cold. now my hamster sneezes alot. what should i do about this. i use wood shavings for my hamster bedding what can i do to make my hamster feel much better.
she eats well drinks well and does her toilet no dieera except that her urnine is sort of yewllow lol and i don't knowif thats good or mad for a hamster lol ?
that was was first problem the one above now my second problem is. how can i get her to come to me. my mum carries her and plays with her. i am too scared that i'll crush her bones or that she'll jump out of my hand or bite me or something. how i get her to trust me and and how can i get to trust her that she won't bite me.
my third last problem is that what happens if she bites me, will i get any infection is it bad or nothing to worry about, cause she bit my mum about 2 times now.
thank you.
your faitful Reshma

Hi Reshma,

First of all there isn't much you can do for her cold. I would suggest making sure she has plenty of fresh water and giving her some diced apples and carrots ( about 4-5 small pieces of each ).
Now for taming your hamster.
Day 1: Watch your hamster but don't disturb her.
Day 2: Start to hand feed your hamster in it's cage. Talk to her softly. Let her smell your hand so she becomes used to your scent.
Day 3-5: Pick up your hamster and hold her outside of it's cage. Let her run from one hand to the other with your hands flat. When she gets used to this, start to curl your fingers around her body as it runs. This way she will get used to being held.
Day 6-14: Introduce her to your family first, then you friends.
After 2 weeks handle your hamster several times a day to help tame her even more. If you are scared to hold your hamster, set down in a chair or on the floor and have your mum hand the hamster to you. That way if the hamster jumps she won't get hurt.
If your hamster bites you, there is nothing to worry about. It feels like a little pin prick. It may bleed some or it may not. Best thing to help with this is to wash your hands everytime you go to pick her up. If they smell food on your hands they will bite.
If you have anymore questions please write again.

Thank you for your question and best of luck to you!