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noisy syrian hamster

21 11:42:31

Hi we have had 3 Syrian hamsters over a number of years and had no probs, a couple of days ago we bought a female and it makes a very loud noise, kind of a hissing scratchy sound it has also bit twice whilst hand in cage trying to get it used to my son, will it calm down or do some stay scared/angry, are females generally more aggressive than males?

Sorry to hear you're having problems with your hamster.  Generally speaking most, if not all, Syrians can be tamed but some more than others.  Syrians are sometimes vocal - it sounds as though the hamster you've bought has been traumatised in some way.  It is just a case of winning her confidence.

First of all I would suggest not putting your hand straight into her cage.  She is obviously afraid when you do this  and thinks she's under attack.  When you want to get her out rub some of her wood chippings/bedding on your hands so that she will recognise her scent.  Assuming she is in a cage and not a tank - take the cage apart so you are just left with the base - that way you will be able to 'scoop' her up in your hands - if you approach her from above she may feel threatened and bite.  Quietly talk to her all the time - She may be a bit jumpy or cry but she should settle.  Put her onto your clothing initially - some hamsters get scared if they are on skin, but if they stand on a sleeve, or on a towel they are often OK.  Don't restrain her in any way - if she wants to keep moving you can then see if she will walk from hand to hand.  If she starts crying/hissing, put her back in her cage for a while, then try again a bit later.  

Speak to her whenever you see her and give her treats (nuts etc) through the bars of her cage so that she identifies you with nice things.  

I am afraid there is no quick way of taming her - it is a case of persevering with her while she gets used to you and feels more confident.  Females are more energetic than males and faster with handling, but they can make fantastic pets.

Good luck - let me know how you get on.