Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > stinky


21 13:28:43

I changed my hampsters bedding on monday including washing her home food dish ect. And on tuesday her house stunk really bad do you know what is wrong she is a syberian dawrf hammie.

Hi Tyller,

It's possible your hamster has a touch of diarrhea.  To prevent diarrhea, avoid feeding your hamster too many fruits or vegetables.  A small piece every 1-2 days will be fine.  If she does indeed have diarrhea, don't feed her fruits or vegetables for about a week.  Then, slowly re-introduce small pieces of fruits and vegetables into her diet.

Also, to limit smell, you can try a more absorbent bedding.  Carefresh is very absorbent, and it's safe for the hamster (unlike Pine or Cedar).  Aspen is also absorbent.

In addition, you can try "potty-training" your hamster.  Buy some hamster litter, or *unscented* cat litter, and put some in the corner where your hamster uses the bathroom.  Change the litter 2-3 times per week.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
