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my baby

21 13:32:17

I have only had my hamster for about 3 or 4 days now. All she does is sleep all the time. The only time she moves around is when i take her out of her cage and let her run around the livingroom. but even then she will stop and sleep. She does not eat or drink much and has the runs. Please help this is my first hamster since i was a child. I am so lost here. Thank you so much for your time and help.  

Sorry I only know about gerbils, but I just happened know the answer to this one.  If you ever have another hamster question please ask another expert who says they know about hamsters in their profile.

Lucky for you this is about the only thing I know about hamsters.:]  This is completely normal for hamsters because they are nocturnal animals [sleep during the day and are awake at night].  Also I think it would be best if you not play with him in the day time because that is his sleep time and she will probably be grouchy and kind of nippy  In the night she should be very active.  I heard a hamster will run 5 miles each night if he or she has a wheel to run on!  If she isn't active at night time you might want to ask a expert who says they know about hamsters on the list of hamster and gerbil experts.  Sorry I can't help much more, but if you ever have a gerbil question I'm you man. :]